You can use these same tools to simply markup the document. But you can use these same Markup Tools here, click here to add some text, then you can expand it, move it to where you want, type what you want, and fill the form in despite the fact that the PDF isn't built for that. Whoever created this PDF just made it as a form, I guess, that you're supposed to printout and then fill in. Sometimes forms are built where you can't actually fill them in. Once you have signatures you can select one, move it in place, resize it to sign documents. You can create a new signature here using your trackpad, your camera, or your iPhone. Click here and one of the options is Signatures. But if it has got these form fields in there then fill it out in Adobe Reader or using Preview. So this is something that depends on the PDF itself. Now know PDF's have to be built with these forms in there. Just click on the field and type whatever it is you need to type. If it is a form, like this, you'll find you can use Preview to fill it in. You can switch from a continuous scroll mode to a single page mode or even a two-page mode where you can view two pages side-by-side like this. You can even do Bookmarks and Highlights. There's even a Table of Contents mode if the PDF has a Table of Contents. For instance here I can just view this PDF very easily. Preview does all the basic functions you need with a PDF. If you're using macOS you have Preview already. So Preview is an app that is part of the Operating System. So, for instance, if I want to open up a PDF like this one I just double click on it and it opens up in Preview. If you've never installed Adobe Reader in fact it's the default app for opening up a PDF. It's pretty much as capable as Adobe Reader.

It comes as part of the Operating System. But in fact you already have a tool on your Mac that can do this.

I'm surprised at how many Mac users I come across think that they need Adobe Reader on their Mac to be able to view or fill-out PDF's. But chances are you don't need it at all. Download it and use it to view all your PDF's. It's a free app from Adobe and there's nothing inherently wrong with it. So if you ever need to open up, view, and even fill-out PDF files you may use an app called Adobe Reader to do that. Join us and get exclusive content and course discounts. There you can read more about the Patreon Campaign. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 1000 supporters. There's something better and you already have it. Do you use Adobe Reader on your Mac to view PDF's? Well, you probably don't need it at all. Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with. Check out You Probably Don’t Need Adobe Reader On Your Mac at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.